Monday, July 14, 2008

these are your shoes / these are my shoes / we've got issues

So, I, uh, ordered new cleats finally. Without trying them on. Luckily, the website I ordered them from has free shipping and return service.

Instead of getting the Adidas Predators like I had originally planned, I settled on a sexy pair of Diadoras. The reviews tout comfort and support, and that the shoes become broken in instantly. That's a lot to live up to.

Meet Maracana:

The great thing about it is they should be arriving this week, so maybe I'll get to try them out at Wednesday's practice... I'll be a little sad to retire my Nike Air Legends. But, they need to go to cleat heaven soon...

Lastly, and related, I rejoined the UPA for the first time since 2001. Now I can play UPA sanctioned tournaments... such as Motown Throwdown at the end of the month!

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