Sunday, January 29, 2012

Should I just keep chasing pavements, even if it leads nowhere?

I'm quickly forgetting what it's like to have a life of any sort this semester.  On top the usual -- dissertation research, coursework, helping with grants, and the occasional lab project for another professor -- I'm now a graduate student instructor for an intro epid course with 200 students in it.  My weekdays seem to average about 12 hrs of work.  And my weekends are getting up there too.  I'm constantly exhausted and, somehow, constantly feel like I'm getting nothing done.

This weekend, I at least got the chance to run some errands in the middle of uploading and proofing lectures, working practice problems, and grading a gazillion homeworks.  I worked all day yesterday and a good chunk of today.  And, yahoo, I'm just right back in the mix of everything bright and early tomorrow morning.

This semester has made me realize more and more that I don't think I ever want to be a faculty member, as I think they might get less sleep than me.  Maybe... 

p.s.  My dog is crazy.  He just had a growling war with the couch while he was underneath it.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Recessive genes

I somehow managed to never know my blood type until now, at 31 years old.  I was at the doctor earlier this week and she suggested I get blood typed in case I want to reproduce at some point in time.  Of course, most Americans (85%) are Rh positive, so it shouldn't be a big deal.  But, in the case that I'm Rh negative and decide to have kids and Juggles is Rh positive, we could all implode with horrible cases of autoimmune stuff-n-things (or something) if we don't find out beforehand.  

Turns out I'm A- blood type.

This means I'm Rh negative, along with a small percentage of the U.S. population.

And Juggles is A+, meaning he's a typical Rh positive American.

Of course, both my my parents are Rh positive.  So, lucky me and my recessive genes!  Now I'll have to get injections of fuzzmonkeys in order to stop the implosion of autoimmune stuff-n-things if/when I have babies.