Saturday, May 10, 2008

Couldn't quite seem to escape myself / Far enough, far enough / Far from Florida

The thing about coming home that is both eerie and awesome is running into reminders of the past. This morning, I got out of bed and found that there was a developed roll of photos that my dad had pushed under my door. Intrigued, I opened it up to find pictures from my trip to Disney World with Dawn back in November 2003 (I think that's when it was).

Memories of said trip include: my first flea market experience, the cabby getting lost when he took us back to our hotel, and my first ride in a shopping cart pushed by a crazy lady. Of course, there were many more, despite the brevity of the vacation because, well, Dawn and I know how to have mad-crazy fun together.

Here are a few cute shots from the trip that I scanned:

Sweaty at Disney

Dawn on the carausal

Hanging out at... Seaworld?

Stuffing her face

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