Monday, February 11, 2008

Take that and rewind it back

I rocked it. Yup. The impossibly hard Epid 601 midterm -- I took my air guitar and rocked that thing. Big, fat A.

Class average was 55%, up from last year's 40%. As previously mentioned, who knew that an open note, multiple choice test could be so difficult?

So, now: one down, three to go, a few homework assignments, prep for a group paper/presentation, and then I'm coming home in a couple of weeks.

And, as your sweet departure gift, I post a picture of me "breakdancing" at Gotham:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Lord woman, that is the craziest picture of you ever! I think I will print it out and put it on my desk to remind me of your wild ways and make me smile when I am having one of those days! Thanks for the giggle. Love, your smurfing buddy