Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Here is the church and here is the steeple / we sure are cute for two ugly people

I've spent the last week and a half by myself in lab and have successfully managed not to break or destroy anything. I did a lot of PCR and ran a lot of gels. I played on ensembl.org to check out some genes. I even went in on Saturday... for fun. Because I <3 lab. It's an obsession. I may need to be treated for it at some point in time.

This is the view out my lab windows. It's really not a horrible place to hang out.

To the west:

(Central Campus, toward DT Ann Arbor.)

To the north:

(SPH, the hospital, the river.)

My birthday was last week. Yes, I am officially wise. I think that's what happens at 28. Steve wrote me a great card to wish me a happy 21st birthday, since he knew I was not too keen on the idea of turning the corner to my upper-20s from my mid-20s. So, I get to start all over again! I got lots of chocolate, a cheeseburger phone, great dinners, the company of friends, flowers, and I got to meet Chuck Palahniuk... at midnight.

So succexy.

Honest to blog!

I ate at Gratzi on Main St on my bday, and at Seva on Liberty (my favorite vegetarian restaurant ever) the day after. On Saturday, we had a gathering at Kristin's.

Then, Sunday was a scrimmage with Hybrid, followed by a frisbee BBQ, then immediately off to the canoe livery to celebrate Andy's birthday on the water (still in my frisbee clothes!). I made sure not to paddle so I didn't have to risk others' lives.

Later on, after some shut eye and a shower, we went out to dinner at Arbor Brewing Company, then wandered around A2, since Andy had his brother and a WI friend in town. We stopped for ice cream at Stucci's, because Stucci's is awesome.

It's been busy, but it's been great fun! Now, I'm off to the Big Apple on Thrs morning for more awesomeness.

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