Sunday, April 13, 2008

Step-by-step, ooh baby. Gonna get to you gi-i-i-irl.

a) It looks like there's a chance I may head to NYC for John Brauer's wedding at the end of May with Shaun and Kali. This means that I'll get to see a ton of people I graduated with. Oh, wait, did I mentioned that it's friggin' New York City?! (Interrobang?!)

b) I'm an idiot. Details left undisclosed.

c) I'm also awesome. Details also left undisclosed.

d) Puffed wheat is still an awesome late night snack.

e) I have some of the most amazing and uplifting friends a woman could ask for. Also, most of them are witty, silly, geeky, perverse, or a combination of those... Which makes me laugh pretty much constantly.

f) I'm also fairly certain that I'll finally hit Lollapalooza this summer. It's nice to have Chi-town so nearby. Also nice -- I have a lot of friends there!

g) Hi Mom! *waves*

h) I really need to get my bacteriology more underway tomorrow. My lab notebook looks pretty, at least!

i) I'm playing frisbee tomorrow (well, today). This is great, because it's frisbee, but horrible because it's supposed to be snowing.

j) That said, I went running yesterday (well, Friday). In shorts and a tee. It was 70 degrees outside.

k) My cousin is in Detroit. Sadly, I may not get a chance to see him because of the amount of work I need to get done.

l) I'm totally going to take a conversational Spanish class through community ed this summer.

m) I am quite excited to start reading "fun" books again, and not feel guilty for taking time away from school

I stretched and made it halfway through the alphabet... That's the best I can do for now!

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