Wednesday, October 3, 2007

But nothing compares to these blue and yellow, purple pills

Who knew it would be so hard to refill a darn prescription?

I went to the UHS Pharmacy and gave them copies of all of my prescriptions the other day, only for them to tell me that a copy is not good enough. I could come back with my old prescription and have them fill it.

Instead, I opted to call them this morning. The somewhat disgruntled pharmacy employee told me that he would call my home pharmacy in Minnesota and transfer the prescription over to them, and it would cost an extra $1 to process the order. Fine. Do it.

So, I check my messages after I get back from running only to find out that, for some reason, my prescription doesn't actually have any refills on it, despite the fact that I was just into the doctor a few months ago and asked her to refill it for another yer, which she agreed to do.

Next thing: call Fairview pharmacy. They told me that, yes, they don't have that prescription information either. So I had to call the clinic. They tell me that my nurse practitioner isn't in today so they can talk to her tomorrow, but they'd leave a note with the triage nurse and see if she can do something for me.

Seriously, I was just in the doctor three months ago! She was supposed to renew my prescription to save me from this hassle. *sigh* It's never that easy!

So, I await a phone call from Fairview in hopes that they can straighten everything out so that I can have my prescription by the weekend. My fingers are crossed. I love the run around of large institutions, where nothing ever takes less than 7 phone calls in order to reach someone who can really help you.


Anonymous said...

Just say no to drugs.

Did you know that until sometime around 1997, the fine for smoking pot in Ann Arbor was $5, less than the cost of a parking ticket. As of Tuesday night, you can't even smoke a cigarette anywhere public in the state of Minnesota. Hows that for progress?

Michelle said...

I'm not sure what a plue and yellow pill is, but it doesn't sound good!