So, the first round of midterms is almost complete and it is fall break. This is an exciting time because it means we don't have class on Monday or Tuesday. Not only that, but my one Wednesday class was canceled. Also, my parents are here to visit.
Our pathophysiology exam was exceptionally difficult. It wouldn't have been so bad, except that the teacher threw a handful of questions on the test that a) he didn't cover in lecture, b) were not on the PPT slide handouts, and c) were not in the book. So, I guess if you're a good guesser, you're lucky.
Our biostats exam wasn't bad though. We got to bring a cheat sheet of equations into the test. This was a great idea!!! Even better would have been had I actually put all of the equations on the sheet. I missed a few very important equations, so I made them up. Unfortunately, I looked them up later and I was slightly wrong about where the parentheses should have gone, or something, so I have the wrong answer. Whoops....
So, to celebrate being done with exams, the usual folks and I went out bowling and drinking on Thursday night. I was excited about the idea of $1 long islands, until I drank one and it was arguably the worst-tasting beverage I have ever consumed. I'm not entirely sure there was any alcohol in the glass at all. If there was, it was about a splash, and the flavor was masked by Coke and an entire lemon squeezed into one 12 oz. cup. Gross, gross, gross. So, I attempted to drink a beer, which I wasn't a big fan of either. Drinking didn't matter too much -- 'twas the insanity shared and fun had by all.
Following are a few pictures from the evening...
It's possible that I just got a gutter ball...

Sam and Andy swing dancing at the lanes...

Kellie as a calendar girl...

Hello, I say!


Krishna and Steve.. I don't know...

Enough for now. Homework, ho!